Now is a great time of year to start thinking about organizing the entire house. It can be a big project, especially the first time you tackle it, so it’s a good idea to get started as early as possible. Allow yourself plenty of days to work on the house in sections so that you can get it done. If you follow these tips provided by www.closethangerfactory.com you can get it done in a timely manner and make the job a lot easier the next time around.
1) You will need to make a schedule and checklist for yourself so that you can analyze what all needs to be done. Use a notebook or keep a spreadsheet on your computer or personal organizational device. Go from room to room and note what all you would like to see done.
2) On your list, categorize things so that you don’t have to tackle the whole room at once. You can work room by room, or task by task. For example, you may want to go through each room and pick out items that can be donated to charity, sold, or passed down. Getting this step done will give you less to work with when you start organizing.
Read More Whole House Organization Project