When you own a special dress, whether it is an evening gown, or even a wedding dress, you want to keep it safe and protected. You probably store your special dress in a garment bag to protect it from dust and moisture. However, if you are not using the right hanger, you could pull your dress out one day, only to discover that it is damaged from the hanger. To avoid the worry of hanger damage, invest in quality dress hangers.
When you hang your dress on a hanger made for dresses, you won’t have to worry about damage. For instance, a padded hanger is a good choice for a wedding gown. It will help you preserve the material of the dress where it hangs. Padded hangers can also be used for other dresses and even lingerie items. Contact us, today, and order your dress hangers – your dresses will thank you when they suffer no damage from wires, plastic or wood.